Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Eliminate The Trump

"Man, they said we better, accentuate the positive
Eliminate the negative
Latch on to the affirmative
Don't mess with Mister In-Between"

Lyrics by Johnny Mercer & Harold Arlen

You know who ain't spendin' no time in the whale? Jim Acosta ain't. No he ain't, but I cain't say the same for anybody else.
We all have a responsibility to speak truth to power. The members of the press, that enjoy special protection under our Constitution, have an extra special responsibility to do so. We rely upon them.
Trump has been laying on bullshit for so long we are literally buried in it. The rest of the world is up to its eyeballs in it.
We screwed up big time by electing human excrement, but even a sinner deserves a break now and then. How about giving us one? Just level with us. Tell us the truth. Screw your ratings. Screw your bottom line. Screw your corporate masters. This has been going on far too long.
We are in danger. Real danger - not the North Korea bullshit danger that you were all reporting on. North Korea didn't back down from anything today. North Korea was just pulling our chain. The real headline in North Korea is U.S. Armed Forces staying the course like they've been doing for over 50 years. Not exactly new.
The real news that has been and continues to be eluding our press is that we have a criminal in the White House, a man who has betrayed our country for profit and self promotion. The real news is that this man is part of a continuing, successful invasion and infiltration of our country under the leadership of President Putin.
There are numerous subplots to this story, but they all go back to Russia - money laundering, racketeering, prostitution, enabling domestic terrorists, fomenting political and social unrest.
Sound extreme? You bet it does because our press has not been reporting on it with the dogged attention it deserves. Trump initially failed to condemn the Nazis and the KKK and the alt right in Charlotttesville.


He criticized industry leaders who refused to work with him, but refused to say anything negative about white supremacists just as he has refused to say anything negative about Putin. We've got a president who failed to call out Nazis.
I know some people who would find that strange. They would probably be taking to the streets over it.
Yesterday, Trump reluctantly made a totally insincere statement about the white supremacists and the KKK and the Nazis. He didn't take any questions when he finished. He squirmed the whole time - probably taking a dump in his pants. The press should have thrown their shoes at him.

Later that night our Shitter-In-Chief  said he was unfairly treated by the press and Tweeted a picture of his train smashing into the press.
If that weren't enough, he also re-Tweeted a post by a right wing extremist who has been admitted to the press room in the White House.
So much for the sincerity of Trump's criticism of the Nazis yesterday - just more bullshit. Speaking of white extremists, Trump has brought them into the White House. They are on his staff.

Here's a picture of Sebastian Gorka posing with his wife Katharine Gorka at Trump's Inaugural Ball wearing the medal of Vitezi Rend. Not familiar with Vitezi Rend - look it up.
Why hasn't Trump been held accountable for all this? Ask the Congressional leadership of the GOP.
Why hasn't Congress acted? Ask the press. Trump has attacked the press all along and they might just be afraid to take him on.
So where can you go for honest news? Try Twitter. There are patriots on Twitter from just about every political persuasion taking on Trump everyday. There are also a lot of Russian infiltrators on Twitter. It's not always easy to tell the difference, but it's doable if you work at it. Here's someone I just discovered today because another poster re-Tweeted his thread.


Start reading about Robert Mueller and his investigation. He's investigating all this on our behalf. He's an honest man. He deserves our support.
What can you do? Call your representatives and tell them this has gone on way too long. A young woman was murdered in Charlottesville just four days ago. This needs to stop now. There is no place for hate in the U.S.A.
Holy Moly!

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