Sunday, January 7, 2018

D-Day 2018

D-Day is fast approaching. It will be on us sooner that you can say November 6, 2018. D-Day this year will be much the same as D-Day was on June 6, 1944 - everything will be riding on it.
On November 8, 2016, Donald Trump was elected to be the 45th President of the United States. Thus began a coup that controlled the Executive Branch of our government.
Our Legislative Branch has been compromised for years. It was bought up by American oligarchs who truly believe that what's best for them is best for the American people.
The electorate, that's us, has been driven crazy by all the bullshit dumped on it by the American oligarchs. Propaganda has replaced facts. Let's face it, we are plain ignorant.
Our brilliant oligarchs were asleep at the wheel when Putin's protégé got elected. No! Protégé is too kind a word. Donald Trump is Putin's puppet. He is also a world class moron. He is also a shill for organized crime - Russian organized crime.
The Russian's beat us at monopoly - at least when it came to the Executive Branch. In the process, the Russians also contaminated our Legislative Branch by, of all things, buying people in Congress - particularly the leadership.
The Legislative Branch has been up for sale all along. It got really out of control when George W. occupied the White House. Remember the K Street scandal?
When the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Citizens United in 2010, it opened the floodgates for political corruption. The Citizens United decision gave Letters of Marque to anybody interested in buying a politician.
The thing is, anybody meant anybody.
It wasn't long before the Republican congressional leadership learned how to deal with the Donny Dumb.
They initially supported Robert Mueller's appointment as a Special Counsel to investigate Russian interference with our elections in 2016. They had no real choice.
By firing respectable, competent, loyal people who held key Federal law enforcement positions Dementia Don cemented his place in American History as an imbecile extraordinaire.
With a competent, unobstructed federal investigation growing, Trump needed protection. He needed a godfather. Hell, he needed godfathers - plural.
So the deal was struck. Whether Dumbo Don knew it or not, he was carefully manipulated into what we have now.
Trump is a rubber stamp for whatever legislation the Republican Congress manages to pass. Since he is insane, Ryan and McConnell know they have to handle him with kid gloves. They have to let him say whatever he wants.
Delusional Don doesn't really understand how the game is played. He doesn't understand "quid pro quo". He's an ignorant bully. He's just living in the bubble Ryan and McConnell created for him. 
Ryan and McConnell know all about "quid pro quo". They cut their teeth on it.
That's why they are where they are. There is one minor problem however. They don't want to be the cud in the Mueller investigation.
Mueller is a double edged sword - a fly in the ointment. His investigation terrifies Trump because Trump knows he's guilty as sin. Ryan and McConnell have as much to fear from what Mueller turns up as Trump does. 
That's why various members of the Republican Congress and the Cabinet are trying to finesse the Mueller investigation. They want it both ways. They want it to scare the living shit out of Donny without getting themselves cut to shit in the process - so now we are seeing the big lie strategy. They are attacking Mueller and trying to get rid of him or at least damage his credibility.
The Republicans in Congress got their payoff in December, 2017. I'm not sure what else they want or can reasonably hope for. What they need is to continue to control Congress - especially the House.
The call for impeachment gets stronger everyday. The new Republican strategy is to keep the House at all costs and thus both delay and prevent impeachment from happening. At they same time they wish to trash Mueller in the hopes of keeping at least some of the electorate supportive of them - it doesn't take much.
That's why November 6, 2018 is so important. For patriotic, not partisan, reasons the Democrats must take control of Congress. They must, at the very least, take the House. It is our last chance to use the Rule of Law to overthrow this coup. There is no other peaceful, sane alternative.
Anarchy doesn't work. Neither does this.There's no beach to take here. There's just a vote tally.
Between now and D-Day we better make sure we are supporting our troops. That would include Mueller's team, people running for office, members of our armed forces and all of us.
Don't let them start a war to distract us. We are not cannon fodder.
Holy Moly!

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