Sunday, October 6, 2019

A Round Of "Billy Beer" On The House, The Old Quid Pro Quo And Red Herrings

It's been a long time, but I still remember Billy Carter and his attempts to cash in on his brother's Presidency. The thing is, Jimmy had nothing to do with it. He didn't endorse it, he didn't promote it, he didn't defend it.
This is not the case when it comes to George Herbert Walker Bush, Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden. Neil Bush was involved in a massive savings and loan scandal. He was Director of the Silverado Banking, Savings and Loan Association, a company that was sued by the F.D.I.C. for making improper and illegal loans that ended up costing taxpayers over a billion dollars.
Paul Pelosi, Jr. was co-founder and COO of an investment company, Natural Blue Resources, Inc. The company ran afoul of the SEC. Four individuals were charged with fraud and the company's trading license was revoked.
Hunter Biden served of the Board of Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian Gas Company, from 2014-2019. He was reported to have been paid $50,000 a month. 
Actions like these should not become partisan political issues, but they do. They do because the actions stink and because, unlike Jimmy Carter, George H.W. Bush, Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden do not seem able to either condemn these actions or let their children be held accountable for them. 
There is a dirty side to Politics. Voters don't like it. Yet, it continues and it compromises every aspect of our government and our foreign policy. The dirty underbelly of any political system is greed.
"Dark Money" by Jane Mayer and "Politics In Chains" by Nancy MacLean are excellent books that explain how our political system has been corrupted.
"Friendly Fascism" by Bertram Gross is an older book that provides insight into what our political system is as opposed to what we think it is.
Carter, Bush and Biden are all former Presidents. Pelosi is a prominent, if not the key, figure when it comes to investigating Trump and Impeaching him.
I could have added the names of other prominent political figures, but I wanted to be able to complete this list before the 2020 elections. Certainly Mitch McConnell and William Barr have family members whose conduct bears scrutiny, but neither of them are running for President.
Any Presidential candidate who has stood by and allowed a child to profit from their candidacy or incumbency should step down. It's that fuckin' simple. The candidate is either too stupid or too corrupt to serve as our president. If Caesar's wife must be above suspicion, how much more important is it for Caesar to be so?
Partisanship leads to defending the indefensible and inexcusable and that leads to political blackmail. Talk about a quid pro quo - I won't bring up your kids if you don't bring up mine.
If we want integrity and transparency in politics, it has to start somewhere, and we, as voters, need to make sure it does. We need to stop supporting candidates who don't seem to get it. That's what primaries are for - separating the wheat from the chaff.
The undeniable truth is that there has never been a POTUS like Trump and there has never been a family like his family. His children are involved in crimes and misdoings all over the globe.
The American people deserve to know what is and what has been happening. We need to know the extent of the corruption that has taken over our government.
Trump and the Republicans can't be allowed to bring up red herrings to confuse and confound the issues regarding both Impeachment and the upcoming 2020 elections.
I don't think it's too much to expect the Democratic Party to put forward a candidate without a pile of skeletons in his/her closet.
Simply put, Joe must go - preferably of his own volition - preferably before any vote on Articles of Impeachment. Do the right thing Joe!
Holy Moly!


  1. I really hate to be the one to say it... (There goes that word hate again)...

    To salvage about a quarter to a third of the black registered voter, Biden should remain in the race. And I'm hoping I'm wrong even as I write these comments.

    It's a known fact that black people vote in their interest, and if Biden is no where in the race, then? And yet it is also a known fact that when the full force of the black vote is behind a candidate it's an almost sure victory.

    And yet, more facts... "Black people knows that Washington, DC has never had there best interest in mind almost ever!" We have learned to live without in such a manner that, regardless to who's in office. All of those years of living without, as second class citizens, cut benefits, broken schools, housing and job discrimination and community non-development has prepared us.

    No one asking why Joe Biden command such loyalty from the black vote because everyone already knows.

    Without Biden in the race, or at least pushing delegates to his choice of candidate's, Trump may all but be re-elected.

    There, I said it. I hope, I pray I'm wrong... I pray we can be strong together, again truly united as one...

    VOTE BLUE, no matter who...


  2. I doubt Biden will be the candidate. The majority of Democratic voters seem to be in favor or either Warren or Sanders. I think Warren will get the nomination.
    I can only hope and pray and advocate for everyone to Vote Blue No Matter Who.
    I cannot imagine black voters staying home in 2020. Trump poses the greatest threat to black people since the Civil War. I truly hope you are wrong.
    I also think black people would be taken into account more by someone like Warren as opposed to Biden.
