Sunday, July 8, 2018

Sliding Doors - November 6th, 2018 - A National Day Of Reckoning

Dateline November 6th, 2018 - American voters have spoken decisively. In an unparalleled showing of disapproval of Trump and the Republican congress, Democrats have taken back majority control of both the House and Senate.
Exit interviews show that voters expect the new Congress to put an end to what they regard as a criminal, treasonous administration.
Dateline November 6th, 2018 - American voters have spoken decisively. In an unparalleled showing of approval for Trump and both his domestic and foreign policies, Republicans have maintained control of both the House and Senate.
Exit interviews show voters are less concerned with civil liberties than they are with protecting our borders and preserving American exceptionalism.
Dateline January 3rd, 2019 - The House has voted to impeach both Trump and Pence on a broad range of charges ranging from obstruction of justice to conspiring against the United States.
For the first time in our history, the House has voted to simultaneously impeach both the President and Vice President.
Dateline January 3rd, 2019 - The first order of business in the newly seated House of Representatives was a vote to repeal the Constitution's 22nd Amendment.
Trump's new campaign logo is released. MAGF - Make America Great Forever.
Dateline July 4th, 2022: - The United States is celebrating what has been called the Second Renaissance of American Independence. The leaders of many of our historic allies, have come to Washington to join in the celebration.
The President's Cabinet has worked hard to restore the vital functioning of agencies that were decimated under Trump. The social safety net is once again sound. International alliances and trade treaties have been fully restored.
Dateline July 4th, 2022: - Vladimir Putin is President Trump's honored guest at this year's celebrations. The new MDT, Mutual Defense Treaty, that was put into place with Russia and China will be placed alongside the Declaration of Independence in our nation's Capitol Building.
After withdrawing from NATO, Trump lost no time in establishing what is being called a new world order. Democracies all over the world are in chaos. The Second Renaissance of European Nationalism has resulted in the dissolution of the EU, European nations are once again headed to war with each other.
121 days till the mid-terms.
There is precious little time left to save both our country and our way of life. We won't get a second chance.
Holy Moly!