Thursday, July 25, 2019

We're Not On The Road To Impeachment

Robert Mueller went to Washington, D.C. today and proved himself to be the most non-partisan man in the country. He also proved himself to be professional, honest, trustworthy, intelligent, competent and patriotic.
Mueller was calm and laid back as he testified for hours before 2 House Committees. He began at the House Judiciary Committee chaired by Jerry Nadler.
For over 3 hours Mueller answered all questions. In that time he managed, by virtue of his demeanor and character, to enable the Republicans attacking him to demonstrate to anyone watching just how corrupt and despicable they truly are.
Without breaking a sweat, Mueller broke them. They were left with nothing. Their willingness to betray their country was fully exposed.  
Mueller refused to be the straight man for the Democrats. He was his own impeccable man.
Mueller made several things perfectly clear - his report did not exonerate Trump; it did not clear Trump of any wrongdoings in regard to Russia; and it showed that Trump had obstructed justice many, many times.
Mueller also made it clear that Russia was engaged in sweeping, systematic cyber warfare against our government - a war that started years before the 2016 elections and continues on to this day - a war that will only get worse come 2020.
In the end, Mueller laid the responsibility for holding Trump accountable where it belonged - in Congress. Holding a criminal President responsible is the duty of Congress. Mueller never said the word "Impeachment", he didn't have to. Impeachment was looming large and apparent to everyone.
The Democrats on the Committee embraced this and repeatedly implied that they were ready to deal with Trump's high crimes and misdemeanors. Almost every Democrat on the Committee ended her/his questioning by saying "no one is above the law".
In the afternoon, Mueller testified before the House Intelligence Committee chaired by Adam Schiff.
Adam made an opening statement that was a blistering indictment of Trump. It did not equivocate. Schiff made it clear that Trump had betrayed our country and that he would be held accountable for his actions.
The Republicans spent their time attacking Mueller and advocating for Barr to investigate the basis for Mueller's investigation. Yep, they are advancing a whole new conspiracy theory - Russia was working for Hillary.
Mueller stressed that Russia is a dangerous enemy of the United States and that we must take action to protect ourselves from further harm. Putin is not our friend - those who befriend him betray us.
Democrats on the Committee reaffirmed that Congress is responsible for protecting us from a criminal President. They seemed to know where their duties lie.
After the hearings commentators and pundits engaged in banal, fatuous chatter. Mueller was basically criticized for being a straightforward man who did exactly what he said he would do all along - his testimony was his report.
Apparently Mueller wasn't entertaining enough for most of those who covered the hearings. That's what their analysis amounted to.
Never mind that everybody who watched him knew he was telling the God's honest truth and that Trump was a man who betrayed his country. Yeah, Mueller was too much like Walter Cronkite.
After all was said and done, Pelosi appeared for a press conference with Nadler, Schiff and Cummings in check. Pelosi, who had no role in today's dramas, was ready to take a bow and share her vision for where we go from here. 
Buckle up, we're not going home to the House to begin Impeachment hearings. We're going to Oz.
Holy Moly!