Sunday, August 11, 2019

Death Amerikan Style

Jeffrey Epstein is no more. He was found dead in his cell at about 6:30 a.m. on Saturday at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan.
So let's put this in perspective. The highest profile prisoner in any prison facility in the United States was found dead a few weeks after he had allegedly attempted suicide and he was not on suicide watch at the time and the two guards on duty at the time failed to make their normal, scheduled checks on him.
The day before his death, the courts released over 2,000 documents related to his sexual abuse of children with the promise of more to come..
He was running a sex trafficking ring supplying young girls for the rich and famous for decades. He had friends in high places.
Jeff was in prison because a sweetheart deal in a previous criminal case in Florida blew up and turned into a major scandal. That plea deal was done by prosecutor Alex Acosta who was subsequently appointed as Secretary of Labor by Donald Trump.
When the deal blew up, Acosta had to resign. It turns out that Acosta, like others, was not one of the best and brightest. He will forever be known for letting an international pimp for young girls off the hook.
I'm getting ahead of myself. Another important fact regarding the demise of Epstein is that Attorney General Bill Barr called the death an "apparent suicide", before the New York City Medical Examiner had made a decision as to the cause of death.
Yep, Bill Barr, whose dad, Donald Barr, was responsible for giving Jeff a teaching job at the Dalton School in New York City, was prematurely calling this a "suicide". What are the odds?
The Attorney General was not the only one jumping to conclusions. Donald Trump retweeted a link suggesting that the Clintons were responsible for Jeff's demise - obviously Trump is not suggesting suicide.
Okay, so lets look at the possibilities. I can break them down into 2 categories. The first to consider is suicide. I guess we need to wait for the medical examiner to make a determination on that one.
The second is murder.
There is one other possibility to consider. Was he coerced into killing himself. Here's a scene from "Godfather Part II" that exemplifies this.

I don't know if we will ever know what happened to Jeffrey Epstein. Some people are suggesting his death was staged and he has been removed to a safe place. Maybe all we will ever know for sure is that it was fishy.
Certainly a pimp for underage girls catering to powerful and wealthy clients has a lot to worry about when it appears that he might spill the beans in order to avoid going to prison.
Poirot's suspect list would be bi-partisan and multinational. Netflix could do a series spanning several seasons on it.
Too bad there is no video or eyewitness accounts of what happened to Jeff. Apparently the cameras in 9 South Wing, where he was housed, were trained on areas that did not include his cell and he didn't have a cellmate.
About the only thing we do have is an abundance of bullshit and unanswered questions.
This is all so Putinesque - election interference, compromised investigations, and untimely demise of anyone regarded as a threat.
Welcome to Amerika!
Holy Moly!

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