Tuesday, June 30, 2020

What's The Plan?

The Republicans can't win a fair election and they know it. Too many people are onto them.
This isn't really new. This has been the case for years. That's why they have an election playbook. Yeah, they rely on it and it works for them.
First gerrymander the shit out of every district in the country.
Then, suppress voting.
Engage in dirty tricks - campaigns based upon lies, distortions and misinformation.
Of course dark money is what funds it all.
And they have an ace up your sleeve, a kicker, in case all else fails.
In 2016, the Republicans tried something entirely new. They ran a man with no political experience - an overt racist, a world class misogynist, a man accused of pedophilia, a man with ties to organized crime, a man who failed at everything he did, a man who was not beyond working with our enemies to thwart our democratic process. A man who they hated.
And he won? Let's not go there. Let's just say he lost the popular vote by over 3,000,000 votes. Who really won was apparent to everyone with an IQ - any IQ.
The fact that they hated Trump and knew he was a Russian asset didn't get in their way. They embraced him and used him. He was a world class imbecile and they were willing to let him serve as a distraction while they pursued their own agenda.
They also thought they could control him, but instead they were contaminated by him. He's toxic. Hell, he's the anti-Christ.
In less than 4 months we will go to the polls. The Republicans know they can't win no matter how much they interfere with this election. What's a party of hacks who were willing to sell out their country and betray their oaths of office to do? What comes after treason? Basically, the Republicans are left with 3 options.
Donny and his wingnuts clearly have a plan. Simply put, start a race war - a new Civil War. Remember Charles Manson? 
Create violence and chaos on an unprecedented national level and then declare martial law to restore order to the land. In the process suspend the elections.
If you can pull this off, your election problem is over. Go directly to fascism.
Too extreme? Not to worry. Run someone else. Justin Amash was the most recent Republican to try and pull this off. His campaign died before it got started. The Republicans missed their opportunity to replace Trump on the ticket and were not up for a 3rd party challenger. But hey, it's an option.
Which brings up plan 3. Accept total loss. Go with the flow. Let Biden and the Democrats have total control. This is risky unless their failure is assured - their failure must also be total, because the heart of this plan is to taking back everything in 2024.
What would it take to insure a total loss for the Democrats in 2024? It would take a monumental national catastrophe - nothing short of a total economic collapse.
As it happens, the market crashed in March and it's been on life support from the Fed ever since. It's being artificially maintained. The Republicans are hoping to prevent its inevitable crash until after the elections.
Let's go back to that first plan, the fascism plan. Turns out it's a two part plan. The second part is known as Obamagate. Barr manages Obamagate. Yeah, Barr - the killer of justice.
Barr's: prevented criminal actions from going forward; instructed his staff to withdraw cases in which American traitors and foreign agents have already been convicted and/or plead guilty; repeatedly going to court to prevent Congress from getting evidence relevant to its Constitutional oversight responsibilities.
Barr is Trump's personal wrecking ball.
Obamagate is an investigation into an alleged coup involving Obama and others (the  deep state) in an attempt to  take over the country. It would be another argument for enacting martial law. It can't be done without Barr.
Moving on: if the Republicans went with plan 3, who might their candidate be? I think Liz has been thinking about running for President all along. For her, it's a matter of planning and patience.
Do the Democrats have a plan? Biden does. Joe's already running a competent campaign. He's experienced, intelligent and patriotic.
But what about the rest of the Democrats? We turned out and gave them the House in 2018.
They proceeded not to Impeach Trump after Mueller gave them a gift wrapped Impeachment package. Yep, had they done that, we wouldn't be hearing about Obamagate today.

Barr is committing Impeachable crimes weekly, if not daily. Are the House Democrats going to ignore that too? Could they at least try to protect us and prevent further damage to our rule of law? Is our Constitution worth fighting for?
We are learning now that Trump was informed about Russia placing bounties on the heads our troops - U.S. Armed Forces members deployed in the Middle East. Trump learned about it last year. He took no action against Russia. Instead he's lobbying to allow Russia back into the G8 and reduce our forces in Germany. Is treason still considered an Impeachable offense?
As a citizen I've joined with others in a larger plan. Please join us in November. We can still act, even if the politicians won't.
Holy Moly!

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