Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Hush Up Calvin Coolidge - You Be A Fool

In January of 1925, Calvin Coolidge said, in a speech to newspaper editors, "The business of America is business."

Herbert Hoover was Secretary of Commerce during Coolidge's administration. He was originally appointed by Warren Harding. Hoover was a businessman".

Herby liked to communicate via radio and used it freely. Radio was the Twitter of that time.

On March 4, 1929, Herbert Hoover succeeded Calvin Coolidge as President. Like Coolidge, he too was a Republican.

In 1929, with a businessman in the White House - a politician who liked using radio to get his messages across, we began "The Great Depression" and it lasted for 10 years.

The United States of America isn't a business enterprise; it's a government. It's a government based upon a Constitution - a government with an Executive Branch led by a President as articulated in that Constitution. A government with Legislative and Judicial Branches as well.

The President of the United States is a statesman. The President is not a CEO. The U.S. is not a corporation. The President of the United States cannot be fired.

I just needed to get that straight. We've been fed so much BS by so many politicians, we seem to forget what our country is and what being a citizen is all about.

That's not entirely accurate. While some of us clearly forgot. Most of us have never really learned it to begin with. Yeah, we be dumb and dumbed down.

There's a whole lot more BS that accompanies the "you can't fire a President" BS. There's the you can't indict a President BS. There's the you can't Impeach a President after he's left office BS. I'm just ...

Some people literally embrace BS. For them it's a way of life.

Others propagate it. For them it's a matter of amassing wealth and power.

Holy Moly!