Wednesday, July 28, 2021

When Your House Is Being Burglarized, You Don't Call A Caterer

The Electoral Process was never meant to be a remedy for treason, Insurrection and civil war. There were no voting booths at Gettysburg.

Everybody elected to office, everybody working for government, everybody in the military, every police officer, every judge, every prosecutor, takes an oath of office.

There are many different oaths of office out there, but they all have one thing in common. All oath takers agree to obey the rules.

Outlaws break the rules. They disobey the law. When they do so, it's up to those in law enforcement who've taken an oath to uphold the law, to stop outlaws from continuing to break the law and arrest them and hold them pending trial.

It's up to those oath takers working in our various judicial systems to try those accused of crimes and hold them accountable for the crimes they've been found guilty of committing.

In all criminal cases the place the crime is committed and the nature of the crime determines who has jurisdiction in terms of arresting, detaining, trying and sentencing those involved with the crime.

The Constitution Of The United States Of America is the overriding law of the land. It takes precedence over all other laws, state and local, regardless of jurisdiction.

Treason is the ultimate crime. It's the only crime defined in our Constitution - Article III, Section 3.

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."

All those involved in the January 6th Insurrection were involved in treason - those instigating it, encouraging it and storming our Capitol.

Incredibly, because of our technology, we have numerous videos of  the actual Insurrection.

Sadly, we see and hear Donald Trump, the then POTUS, instigate the assault on our Capitol.

Sadly, we have much more evidence of Trump and others in days both leading up to the Insurrection and since the Insurrection, further incriminating themselves.

Sadly, we have much more evidence of Trump and others perpetuating a coup to overturn our 2020 elections and deny our voters the outcome of our democratic process.

There has been an assault on our Democracy. We are in the midst of a civil war that continues to this day. There are federal and state legislators actively working to illegally overturn our electoral results and overthrow our government.

We cannot and must not try to end this civil war at the ballot box. This war must be ended on the battlefields and in the courts.

Jurisdiction in this matter rests within our Department of Justice. The FBI needs to round up all involved, charge them and arrest them.

The actual January 6th Insurrectionists must all be tried in our Federal Court - in Washington, DC.

Others involved in the coup must be arrested and charged by the FBI and tried in the Federal Court that has jurisdiction in the place in which they committed the crimes.

No, we cannot end a civil war through voting people in or out of office.

When your house is being burglarized or vandalized or burnt down or attacked, when you are being pursued or beaten or tortured or murdered, you don't call a caterer or an interior decorator to come in and solve the problem.

Holy Moly!

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