Thursday, January 5, 2023

Makers And Takers

Mitt Romney, a child of privilege, divided our people into "makers" and "takers". In 2012, Mitt ran for President against Barack Obama. Mitt said this about voters who would vote for Obama, "My job is not to worry about those people."

Mitt was simply channeling our founding fathers, the framers of our Constitution, when he said this. Like Mitt, the framers were all white men who owned property.

Did you know 12 of our Presidents owned slaves? Thomas Jefferson, our 3rd President, the man who wrote "The Declaration Of Independence", owned over 300 slaves. George Washington, our very 1st President owned 317 slaves.

Mitt is a religious man. He's a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. His forefathers were polygamists. His great-grandfather had 5 wives and one of his great-great-grandfathers had 12.

When our Constitution was ratified slavery was legal, women were not allowed to vote or own property and only property owners were allowed to vote.

Our Constitution created an oligarchy. I describe an oligarchy as an aristocracy without a king. Southern slave owners were the wealthiest people in the country at the time our Constitution was ratified - they were true American oligarchs.


The 13 original colonies became the United States. Each state was a separate country with its own Constitution. The states were only "united" to protect themselves from invasion from foreign countries. They were afraid England might make a serious attempt to come back and put an end to their revolution.

So what has this all got to do with Heather Cox Richardson's "How The South Won The Civil War"? 

Heather is an historian, and her book is about United States history - our real history - our true history - white, male property owner (oligarch) history. 

I started out talking about Mitt Romney because Mitt is a modern-day American oligarch. He was accurate in dividing our population up into 2 classes - the wealthy ruling class and the rest of us.

Mitt just got his wires crossed as to who the "makers" and "takers" are. Mitt engaged in what Orwell described as "doublespeak".

The true "makers" are the actual people who do all the work - the workers - the vast majority of us.

The "takers" are the tiny percent of wealthy, white male "elites" who believe they are superior to the rest of us - the people who have "profited" from our labors - those who take the lion's share of everything we earn and leave us to divide up what's left - the crumbs.

The "takers" are those who want to oppress women and suppress democracy - they're against universal suffrage. The "takers" don't like minority and indigenous peoples. The "takers" want to prevent most of us from voting.

The "takers" buy politicians. They want to make sure our Constitution protects them as opposed to us.

"How The South Won The Civil War" documents how the oligarchs who wrote and ratified our Constitution have maintained power - right on through the Civil War - right on through various civil rights' movements - right on through election cycles - right on to today.

The "takers" manipulate and divide us. The "takers" turned a blind eye to violence against women and minorities in the past and they're continuing to do so today as well.

If we're not very careful, the "takers" are going to take us back to a feudal state. The "takers" are going to make us into serfs.


If you want to learn more about the "takers", try these books.

Holy Moly!

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