Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Steamroller Baby

Dianne Feinstein just blew up Washington, D.C. Yep. Yesterday she released the transcript of the Senate Judiciary Committee's interview with Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS.

Other's have tried to blow up Washington. The British set fire to the White House in 1814. That was a pretty big deal, but they were an invading army and we ended up winning that war.
Dianne is not an invading army. She is more like a napalm bomb - a cement mixer - a churning urn of burning funk. She is one angry, patriotic U.S. Senator. She co-chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee with Senator Charles Grassley. She is a powerful woman who will not be trifled with.

Dianne and Chuck have been looking into Russia's attempts to interfere with our 2016 election for several months. Dianne has been playing by the rules, but Chucky has been cheatin on her all along.
I don't know what passes for remaining true in Iowa, but in California there is a long history of clarifying exactly what that means and what the consequences are for anyone who messes around. Hollywood's in California. They make movies there. Remember Cat Ballou?
Grassley's been really sloppy about covering his tracks. He's been played by a bigly corn husker hustler - an evil genius who lives in a stable - a horse - a horse with a bad/evil case of diarrhea
Yeah, Chuck stepped into a s**tload of Donny's crap.
It wasn't like there wasn't plenty of information - red flags - out there regarding the Trump family's involvement with Russia.
Lately Chuck's been trying to sabotage the Judiciary Committee's investigation. He's been trying to throw the investigation off track. He's been trying to confuse and confound the investigators and the American people.
He's been doing this while steadfastly refusing to share the Simpson interview transcript and outright lying about what's in. He's also been trashing the one dude in Washington that nobody wants to f**k with.
Whatever is going on with Chuck; whether he's involved with Russia or suffering from Altzhimer's Syndrome or just a starry eyed fool who fell in love with a diarrhetic horse, he's simply gone too far.
Nothing is going to stop Mueller's investigation - nothin - not rain, not sleet, not snow, not traitors, not nothin' - not even an over the hill husker who underestimates what's really at stake here.
Ya wanna know what's in that transcript? Well, a real s**tload, that's what's in there. The Russians are in there. Steele is in there. The whole Trump family is in there. But hey, why not read it for yourself courtesy of Dianne.

Holy Moly!

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