Tuesday, December 1, 2020

All I Want For Christmas

I'm a reasonable man, I am. 

I can't say the same about Joseph diGenova and Rick Wiles. I mean these guys be bigly cray cray.


We've just gone through 4 years of horror and chaos. In 2016, U.S. voters elected a mentally deranged, traitorous, pedophile, mobster with delusions of grandeur - a Hitler wannabe - and some 71 million of us voted for him again last month.

Yeah, so lots of bigly cray cray U.S. voters too.

But what about the 80 million U.S. voters who voted for Biden? Any of them cray cray?

Could be. There's a simple enough test to determine if you're a cray cray Democrat. Ask yourself these questions:

1. Am I okay with pardoning Trump?

2. Am I ready to tear up the Democratic Party if Biden doesn't appoint people I want to his cabinet?

3. Am I ready to tear up the Democratic Party if the legislation I want passed doesn't get passed within the first 2 years of Biden's term?

4. Am I ready to stay home or vote for a non-Democrat in the midterms?

5. Do I believe the Democratic Party is comprised of geniuses and/or saints and/or altruists? 

For each Yes answer give yourself 20 points. If you've scored above Zero (0), you be a cray cray mf.

Here's the skinny. We've elected politicians. Can you dig it?

Me. I'm ridin with Biden and votin blue til every last Republican who was in office during Trump's presidency is gone. I ain't never votin for a Libertarian or a Tea Partier.

You can retake this test as many times as you want until you're no longer crazy. If you do, remember this. The alternative to Democracy is fascism. Democracy is messy. Fascism is neat and deadly.

Holy Moly!

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