Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Our Government Is The Bomb Baby

Don't judge a book by its cover? How about a country? Exactly what is a country anyway?
Humans like to create countries. Some animals mark off their territories with urine. Humans seem to prefer written Constitutions. We are big on laws.
Actually, we are big on having laws. We aren't nearly as big at following them. You'd be surprised at some of the people who don't follow the law.
Yeah, John Mitchell was our Attorney General and he went to prison back in the 70s. You know, when President Nixon resigned in scandal.
But hey, I digress. Times have changed. It's not like our current Attorney General is involved in anything untoward - right?
Donald Trump is a stand up guy - right?
At least the government is intact - right?
What - it turns out that our government is being taken apart piece by piece? It's getting smaller and smaller? Trump and the GOP are running a chop shop?
On April 9th, NPR published "An Acting Government For The Trump Administration" by Brian Naylor. It had this lovely chart. All those names in red are acting in their positions. 15 of 31 positions are filled by actors!
So the Cabinet and vital administrative positions are not exactly staffed. At least we have continuity in the functioning of the departments and agencies - right? The government still exists?
"The Fifth Risk" by Michael Lewis takes us behind the scenes and shows us what's actually happening - particularly in the Departments of Energy, Agriculture and Commerce. Actually, Michael shows us what's not happening anymore.
With all the actors and facades our government is more of a movie set than it is a government. Our Constitution is being scrapped and replaced with an ugly, ridiculous script that's not worth the paper it's printed on.
Considering that the star of this feature never held office, never worked in government and has failed at most everything he's done it's not surprising that this film is bombing at the box office.
The movie is all about international money laundering, treason, crime, sex, corruption and pedophilia. The critics are panning this debacle. It's so bad, the cast has resorted to trying to block anymore negative reviews - particularly the one done by Robert Mueller.
The producers (Putin, the Kochs and the Mercers) have given us a horror film to rival "Plan 9 From Outer Space" for worst movie ever made. 
Our government is no longer functioning. We are at grave risk. Read the book and weep. Ain't nothin' safe no more - not food - not water - not air - not nuclear weapons - not nuclear fuel - not nuclear waste -  not medicine - not healthcare - not transportation - not trade - not the words of our leader.
That's all folks!
Holy Moly!

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