Saturday, January 1, 2022

Who Knows What Evil Lurks In The Hearts Of Men? Sarah Knows!

Over the last few years, quite a lot of people have told me I needed to read "The View From Flyover Country" by Sarah Kendzior.

During Trump's term in office, I was reading as fast as I could to try and understand what was happening.

On 1/1/17, I launched "The Church Of The Holy Moly" (THCOTHM). I also got active on Twitter.

I did lots of things, and then after Biden took office, I just lost my energy. I still did things, but my energy was low.

For the first time in years, I began reading novels. I started watching a lot of streaming videos on Netflix, Prime and HBOMax.

You could say I was in for some R&R after trying to navigate my way through a black hole.

In the 4 years I chronicled Trump as the Prophet of TCOTHM, I evolved. I had to play a lot of catch up.

There was a time, back in the day, when I was very active and very focused. I came out of mothballs after W was elected and things rapidly went to hell.

When Obama was elected, I went back into mothballs. My daughter even urged me to go on Twitter. I think she thought it would be therapeutic for me.

Ironically, Jess is now encouraging me to cut back on Twitter and other social media.

In 2021, I started experimenting with video. I even had a co-conspirator - Nick. Nick is the grandson of someone I met as a teen. I've known Nick for several years now. He refers to me as his "mentor".

Nick and I posted our first video, "Nick and Brendan Attempting To Span A Generation Or Two", last March.

Nick graduated from law school in 2020. While there, he distinguished himself academically and served as the editor of the school's law review.

Since law school he's been working as an ADA in New York. More recently, he's fallen head over heels in love. What can I say?

At any rate, 2021 was a year of avoiding COVID, experimenting with videos, reading novels and watching streaming videos.

Last month I was looking for something to read and ordered "The View From Flyover Country". I'm not sure what I expected. Someone had once again urged me to read it and I ordered it.

I finished the book today. I intend to begin "Hiding In Plain Sight", another of Sarah's books, tomorrow. I had ordered both of Sarah's books at the same time.

I was immediately caught by Sarah's writing. She gets right to it. She is intelligent, insightful and articulate - the writing trifecta.

At page 50, she had completely caught my attention. She provides a new perspective on most everything she covers.

Today I just knocked off the book because I wanted to write about it and make it my first blog post of 2022. I thought I had a handle on it - on Sarah's insights. Silly me.

In Part VI, "Beyond Flyover Country", Sarah took things to a whole new level. "Snowden and the Paranoid State" is the writing of an old soul in a shining new incarnation. It's also not a fluke - not a singularity.

The last few chapters all provide wonderous insights into human consciousness. What a delight!

Who exactly is Sarah Kendzior and what exactly does she know? She knows a lot.

So yeah, I'm suggesting you read this book. I'm also going to give a copy to Jess.

Holy Moly!

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