Friday, December 8, 2017

The Trump Producers - A Criminal Smorgasbord

"The Producers" has to be one of the best and funniest movies ever made. Zero Mostel and Gene Wilder delivered perfect performances.
The movie could have been titled "The Best Made Plans Of Mice And Men". First there is the corruption of Leo Bloom, a naive accountant, at the hands of Max Bialystock, an aging Broadway producer who has resorted to sexually preying on old ladies to sustain himself.
Max corrupts Leo with a mixture of flattery and dreams of wealth. It's a simple scheme that relies on producing a Broadway flop. That's it, oversell the play to investors. When the play is a total flop, there will be no accounting. The investors will just report their losses and never know they had been conned.
The only thing they required was a script that was doomed from the start and actors who were total hams. They chose a play that was written by an aging Nazi. The play, "Springtime For Hitler", was a tribute to Adolph Hitler.

Max turned it into a musical. The audience was initially stunned. After all, this was Manhattan.
Just as the audience is about to leave the leading man takes the stage. The audience pauses. Then one person laughs. Then another. Then the audience returns to their seats and howls with laughter.

Yes, "Springtime For Hitler" is a smash Broadway hit. A farce that opens to rave reviews. Bialystock and Bloom are doomed. The investors realize the production was oversold and it's off to prison for the producers.
In 2016, American voters turned a second rate, fascist roadshow into a smash hit in real life. Donald J. Trump won the election.
Vladimir Putin produced this debacle. Russian oligarchs along with the Russian mafia invested heavily in this drama. Wealthy Americans, along with American white supremacists, also invested in the Trump campaign.
After the election a new calculus was done by the Republican leadership and their backers. In our system, Congress, the Legislative Branch, is tasked with bringing a criminal president to justice.
The House can impeach based upon "Treason, Bribery, or other High crimes and Misdemeanors" and the Senate tries the case. Our founding fathers put this in our Constitution to prevent a criminal from taking over and perverting the Executive Branch and jeopardizing the country.
The evidence against Trump is massive. The House has a virtual smorgasbord of offenses to charge Trump with. Trump has literally covered the entire spectrum of offenses and everything he did is well documented and corroborated by multiple sources.
So why hasn't the House impeached Trump? Why isn't there a trial in the Senate? How do you spell puppet?
Okay, here goes. Trump is saved from financial ruin by Russians. They bail him out and prop him up and cultivate him. Russia then invades our election process with an army of cyber warriors working to support Trump. Trump, the Russian puppet wins the election.
Ah, but then there are Trump's American backers and they want their share. They have their own preferred Trump puppeteer.
All this is interesting, but in the end the real power rests in the hands of the Republican controlled Congress. They can get rid of Trump or they can use him. They can make him an offer he can't refuse.
They've all seen "The Godfather". They can let him stay in office and say whatever he wants, whenever he wants. It doesn't really matter. What matters is that he signs whatever legislation they put on his desk. What matters is that he reads whatever script they give him when the need arises. For instance, they need a Republican Senator elected in Alabama and Trump endorses Moore. Simple, right?
If they can manage to get legislation past the objections of members of their own party, Trump will sign it. No questions asked. They are the closest they have been to doing just that right now.
This is all so simple. Trump is a puppet with multiple masters. No wonder his speech is slurred at times. No wonder people go crazy trying to makes sense of what he says from one moment to the next. Too bad our free press doesn't get it. They are either blind or distracted.
The fate of our Republic truly rests in the hands of one man right now. That's why the Republicans in Congress are trying so hard to get rid of him. Say a prayer for Robert Muller. If he goes, so goes the nation.
I don't think this is a reasonable situation for either Mueller or the nation to be in. Trump is not the problem. There are multiple competing producers behind this. They are multinational. They are multi ideological. They are all wealthy. They are all using money to corrupt us. A corrupted electorate is the problem.
Holy Moly!


  1. I do agree with quite a lot of this, but I think the motive is closer to greed rather than power with regards to right wing politicos. The passage of that tax act isn't so much the GOP getting their way with regard to power - it's the individual members of the GOP in both houses cementing their qualifications to their billionaire class for their next job (after losing their elections or retiring) as lobbyists.

    Really, what else could they possibly be planning for over the next year and a half or so?

  2. When you look into a can brimming over with worms, it's hard to tell what any given worm has in mind. They are all just a squirming mass. Unless you look close you can mistake the mass for one creature instead of hundreds of creatures.

  3. Even if we remove Trump, the distraction, the corruption stays. Until the curtain is pulled back the truth remains hidden. ?
