Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Bad Hair Days While Channeling Professor Irwin Corey And John Gotti And Waiting For Santa - Wishing For An End To The Chaos

Who knew? Who knew Stephen Miller was Ming The Merciless? It makes perfect sense, but who knew?

Stephen has normalized spray painting your head. He has actually managed to upstage Donald Trump when it comes to bad hair. Who knew?
If Stephen's nasty tone and hostile manner on Sunday's Face The Nation was epic, given his painted head, Rudy Giuliani's interviews this week were equally epic. Not to be outdone, Rudy was channeling Professor Irwin Corey.
Rudy strung together a series of truly memorable inanities. In regard to Trump committing crimes and violating campaign finance laws, Rudy said, "Nobody got killed, nobody got robbed... This was not a big crime." He basically said it was okay for Trump to lie, because he's not under "oath". He said that a Trump interview with Robert Mueller would only happen "over my dead body".
Rudy's approach to criminal defense is groundbreaking. Imagine defending a guy who botched a bank robbery and seeking acquittal on the grounds that the guy didn't shoot anybody and didn't manage to get any money. Rudy in summation, "Your honor, esteemed members of the jury, my client is innocent. He is a stupid, incompetent criminal wannabe. He's a lying clown. Just ignore all the eyewitness testimony and all those video and audio tapes from the bank."
Alan Dershowitz was also channeling Professor Corey when he said "Lying to the FBI is not a crime." Yes, Alan was arguing that Michael Flynn should be given leniency during his sentencing hearing that took place earlier this week. Yeah, Mike, a retired General and former NSA, didn't know it was wrong to lie to the FBI.
Oo! Oo! Since when is lying to criminal investigators a crime? Sorry Alan, but you're confusing your stooge with someone else.
On Monday Alan said, “I hope the judge understands when he has the case tomorrow that Flynn did not commit a crime by lying, because the lie has to be material to the investigation.... Mueller will do anything to try to get people to sign or perhaps even to compose, and that cooperation is now off the table."
WTF? I mean Flynn's lawyers, Robert Kelner and Stephen Anthony, have been suggesting that the FBI entrapped poor Mike and tricked him into lying. Yeah, Professor Irwin Corey has been busy infecting people's reasoning lately. What exactly is a perjury trap anyway?
Judge Emmet Sullivan cut right to the chase during the hearing. He asked Flynn if he was entrapped, if he knew lying to the FBI was a crime and if he was guilty of the crimes he'd pled guilty to. Flynn said he was not entrapped, he knew lying to the FBI was wrong and that he was indeed guilty.
Professor Irwin Corey was a comedian. We all knew it and we all loved his addle brained routines. His absurd assertions made us laugh. He was the World's Foremost Authority. He was totally hapless. Who knew viewing his interview with David Letterman would become a prerequisite for anyone defending Trump on TV.

This would all be funny if it wasn't so terribly sad. Our country is in a moral dumpster. Donald Trump is like a plague that has taken over and ruined everything. His vile, vicious decrepitude has permeated every aspect of our lives. He spews human effluence. Everything he touches is tainted and everyone he comes in contact with is ruined.
Headlines of atrocities have become common place. A 7 year old girl, Jakelin Caal Maquin, came to our border with her father seeking asylum. They came all the way from Guatemala only to be taken into custody by ICE at the border. Jakelin died within a day. That was on December 8th.

This week we've heard about the Trump Charitable Foundation being shut down by the courts after being accused of "persistent illegal conduct". New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood said her investigation found “a shocking pattern of illegality involving the Trump Foundation — including unlawful coordination with the Trump presidential campaign, repeated and willful self-dealing, and much more.” 
Trump's children were involved in this as well. The Trump family is on a crime spree. His university was a scam. His businesses had all failed. Had it not been for Russian money, he would have folded over a decade ago. Even his sister, inactive federal Judge Maryanne Trump Barry, is being mentioned in criminal matters related to Trump family taxes.
Not too long ago we were watching and listening while Trump defended Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman after the Prince was accused by our own intelligence community of personal involvement in the brutal death and dismemberment of Washington Post reporter Jamal Khashoggi.
Mohammad bin Salman boasted of having Jared Kushner in his pocket.
Mohammad bin Salman is the guy doing high fives with Vladimir Putin at the G20 summit earlier this month. Sure this is the guy you believe over CIA Director Gina Cheri Haspel.
There is so much going on. The Dow Jones Industrial Average has dropped and today it is the lowest it's been this year. The losses this December alone may be historic going as far as back as the Great Depression.
Kelly and Zinke are out. Haley has resigned and Nick Ayers turned down Trump's Chief of Staff position and resigned as Mike Pence's COS. Even Sarah Huckabee Sanders is leaving.
While Kellyanne Conway has become a persona non grata at several news organizations, her husband is publicly blasting away at Donald Trump.
Trump himself is blasting away at SNL after their show last week. His Tweets included, “A REAL scandal is the one sided coverage, hour by hour, of networks like NBC & Democrat spin machines like Saturday Night Live,” and “It is all nothing less than unfair news coverage and Dem commercials. Should be tested in courts, can’t be legal? Only defame & belittle! Collusion?”
Last week he met with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and threatened to personally shut down the government this week if he didn't get funding for his absurd border wall. He actually said he would be "proud" to do so. He said, “I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. I’m not going to blame you for it.”
Since the inauguration, we have watched scandals pile up and people have come and gone in the White House's revolving door. Trump has trashed our allies and NATO and embraced foreign enemies like Vladimir Putin and Kin Jong-un. Cohen and Flynn have pleaded guilty to crimes. Others have been indicted and convicted. Payoffs to porn stars and playmates have become the new norm. Trump brings Chaos.
Monday Roger Stone, Trump's longtime friend and advisor, admitted in court to lying and making false statements on the Infowars website. He has agreed to apologize on public media and on his own website.
Is this what we've sunk to? This is like a third world sitcom. Buffoons and idiots and criminals are running the show. I haven't even mentioned the Republican Party. I will mention the Democratic Party though. They will be in the majority in the House come January 3.
I expect things will change rapidly as they begin investigating and providing real oversight. I'm particularly looking forward to what Adam Schiff does as Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. Adam is competent and, unlike his predecessor, he is not a traitor. There's a new day dawning for Donny.
Nancy Pelosi is a very able, very experienced politician and she will become the Speaker of the House. Should Trump and Pence resign or be impeached or cease to be, she will become President. Barring any of those eventualities, I believe she will see to it that the House is once again functional.
I don't think Nancy will tolerate any nonsense from anyone. I wouldn't want to mess with her. I expect she will have Robert Mueller's back as well.
So how does Donny refer to people who cooperate with Mueller? What did he call Cohen? What did John Gotti call Salvatore, Sammy the bull, Gravano?

Yeah, in true mobster jargon, Trump channeled Gotti and accused Cohen of being a rat. Trump Tweeted, "Remember, Michael Cohen only became a “Rat” after the FBI did something which was absolutely unthinkable & unheard of until the Witch Hunt was illegally started. They BROKE INTO AN ATTORNEY’S OFFICE! Why didn’t they break into the DNC to get the Server, or Crooked’s office?"

Never mind that the FBI had a legal search warrant and that Cohen has stated they were respectful of him at all times. When Paul Manafort got caught lying to Mueller and was sentenced, Trump Tweeted:

Yes Virginia and everyone else in our 50 states, there is a Santa Claus. Santa's coming. Santa is bringing indictments, investigations and probably an impeachment or two. Santa knows who's been naughty and who's been nice. Santa is using a new scale to weigh these matters. Santa's also got a sword handy. Santa might just be female this year.

Holy Moly!

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