Sunday, December 30, 2018

Haters Gonna Hate - 2019 - The Year Of The Pie

Pi is a constant. Pi is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter.
I can't think of a single time in my life when I didn't like pie. I've liked different kinds of pies at different times, but I've always liked pie. These days I'm partial to strawberry rhubarb pie.
I used to think about 20% of the people in the United States were racists and haters and total whack jobs. Over the last two years I've come to realize that about 38% of the people in the United States are racists and haters and total whack jobs. It appears 38% of people in the United States support Donald Trump no matter what he does or what happens. 38% is a constant when it comes to Trump. 
Donald Trump constantly lies. Donald Trump is the poster boy for lying. He lies morning, noon and night every single day. He seems incapable of not lying. His lying is a constant.
Trump is like a record player with the needle stuck in a groove - an endless loop repeating the same thing over and over again. If you don't turn it off or pull the plug, it could go on until it breaks down.
What you hear Trump say over and over, ad nauseam, is "hate". That's it. His whole message is "hate".
His message is picked up and amplified all across the country by all kinds of media. It's on the internet, in newspapers and magazines, playing on the radio and TV.
When some people are exposed to the message of "hate" over and over again, they are brainwashed. They are programmed to "hate" and they themselves start repeating this message. They become part of a hateful mob.
The 38% of our citizens who constantly support Trump probably were programmed to hate long before Trump showed up on the horizon. Trump just reinforced their programming and helped them get comfortable expressing it in public.

Hate can be passed on from generation to generation. Some children are raised to hate.
It doesn't have to be that way.
Those who hate use everything they can to insure their unfettered ability to continue hating. For them, hating is a virtue. In the United States they defend it as a right and when confronted or challenged, they cite the 1st Amendment to our Constitution to defend that right.
Haters usually couple their uniquely interpreted support of the 1st Amendment with their uniquely interpreted support of the 2nd Amendment.
Unscrupulous politicians have courted the 38%. They want their votes. Toward that end, they defend "hate" speech. They defend the right of everybody to own and carry assault rifles. In sort, they advocate for the haters' right to hate. They enable the haters. They want the haters armed and dangerous.
Haters like to intimidate people. They are bullies at heart. They don't seem to know how to get along with others. If you disagree with them or act differently than they do, they harass you. Sometimes they kill you.

Trump's 38% also like to cloak their hate in religion. They like to associate their actions with Jesus Christ. They often target women, gays, blacks, Jews, Muslims, Catholics, immigrants, and the poor. When I check to see if there is a basis for this I find.

I was raised as a Catholic, but I no longer identify myself as one. I don't identify myself as a member of any religion. I identify as a human being and the teachings that have resonated within me are those that promote "love". It doesn't matter where they come from. No particular religion or group has a monopoly on love.

Imagine what this world would be like if we let go of hate?

So this is what I plan to do this year: I will try to love everyone; I will stand up to bullies; I will advocate for justice and equality; I will counsel against hate; and I will press Congress for the truth in all things.
We need to embrace love and the changes it brings. We need to face our fears and deny hatred a place in our hearts.
I'll be 73 in January. They say if you live long enough you get to see everything. I've seen hate up close and personal. I don't want to see anymore hate. I want to see Republicans put their country before their party.
I want to see responsible Congressional oversight. I'm relying on Adam Schiff to conduct honest investigations.
I'm relying on Nancy Pelosi to keep our House in order.
I'm relying on Robert Mueller to complete his work and share it with the American people.
As for Donald and the Republicans and the 38%, 2019 should be the Year Of The Pie.
Holy Moly!


  1. Mmmmm! Strawberry rhubarb pie - in his face! Heh heh.
    And I totally agree with this. I'll be 73 in July.

  2. Yeah... That's a three stooges move if I ever saw one, ��

    Hate is a strong word to use, except you may consider it's context. Some people may simply be expressing a deep dislike, nothing harmful to anyone. With that being said,I can agree with you up to one point.

    I believe maybe 8 to 12 percent of that 38 percent really capable of going out and doing real harm to people. The other 26 percent are the ones who remain quite, yet reap the benefits of hate.

    We are a strange sort, us humans. We're always talking and preaching about something that ain't right, while doing "that" same thing to someone else.

    Good read...
